Undertaking the task of designing a set of playing cards and prototyping them in Figma has been a fascinating journey, one that has deepened my understanding of design principles and refined my approach to the creative process.

Through this project, I've learned that design goes beyond mere aesthetics; it is about storytelling, functionality, and user experience. Each element of the playing cards, from the suits and symbols to the typography and color palette, contributes to the overall narrative and usability of the product. Every decision made during the design process must be intentional and serve a purpose, whether it's enhancing legibility or evoking a specific emotion in the user.

Furthermore, this project provided me with insights into my personal design process. I discovered that I thrive in an iterative environment, where I can continually refine and iterate upon my designs based on feedback and experimentation. While this approach can be time-consuming, it ultimately leads to more polished and thoughtfully crafted outcomes. Additionally, I realized the importance of maintaining a balance between autonomy and collaboration. While I enjoy working independently to explore my creative ideas, I also recognize the immense value of seeking input from peers and mentors to enrich and refine my designs.

Challenges inevitably arose throughout the project, particularly in the realm of prototyping. Figma, while a powerful tool, presented its own set of obstacles, from mastering its intricacies to ensuring seamless interaction design. However, I overcame these challenges through perseverance, seeking out tutorials and resources to expand my proficiency with the software. Conversation with peers also proved invaluable, as bouncing ideas off one another and receiving constructive feedback helped refine and improve the quality of the final prototype.

Reflecting on this project, I realize the growth it has facilitated, both in terms of design skills and personal development. I now carry with me a deeper understanding of design principles and a newfound confidence in my abilities as a designer, thanks to the experiences and lessons gained from this sophomore project.
Cards Prototyping


Cards Prototyping
